Decanter Wine Tastings
Decanter Wine Tastings take place in Johannesburg and Pretoria. These events are open to the public - you do not need to be part of the club in order to join these tastings. Tastings are themed, therefore, no single tasting will be the same. Please see the page below for more information or contact us, should you have any further questions.
Upcoming Tastings
Snob Talk
Saturday 5 March 2022 10:00
Are you an experienced wine drinker, ready to move to the next level of sophistication? Then the Snob Talk edition is the wine tasting for you. We will compare two wines at a time, experiencing the difference between
Champagne and MCC
Wooded and Unwooded wines
Young and oxidized wines
The influence of terroir
Aspects of quality levels
Sweet and fortified wines.
This tasting will include a snack box.